BioPad® Biobased Emitter powered by Nano VpCI®
BioPad® is a unique flexible corrosion inhibiting device constructed from biobased non-woven material. BioPad® provides an eco-friendly sustainable packaging option for corrosion inhibition. Its high VpCI® con- centration, in combination with thin design, results in material reduction by up to 94% in com- parison to similar polyurethane foam emitting devices.
BioPad® is easy to use. Simply placing the correct size BioPad® into your package will allow metal items to be protected. Parts protected with BioPad®are always ready for use; no degreasing or coating removal is required; just remove the item from the package and put to use.
Cortec is a world leader in rust and corrosion removal and protection. Cortec VpCI® products offer cost-effective and environmentally friendly corrosion protection solutions that are bio-degradable, self replenishing and provide multi-metal protection.
BioPad® is specially designed with Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitors impregnated throughout the substrate. BioPad® is excellent for protection of ferrous and non-fer- rous metals as well as various alloys (steel, copper, brass, aluminum, zinc, etc.).
SHELF LIFE: 2 years
PACKAGING AND STORAGE: Sizes are available upon re- quest. Contact Cortec® Custom- er Service for details.
To ensure best product performance, store in original packaging, indoors, and out of direct sunlight at 40-100 °F (4-38 °C).