Cortec VpCI®S-14 | Antiscalant | 5 Gal
S-14 is a general purpose antiscalant for water treatment applications. It is very efficient in preventing the formation of precipitates due to physical or chemical changes on surfaces in contact with water. S-14 is non-flammable and non-toxic.
S-14 is primarily formulated for use in conjunction with Cortec VpCI corrosion inhibiting formulations in applications where scale control is being considered.
Cortec is a world leader in rust and corrosion removal and protection. Cortec VpCI® products offer cost-effective and environmentally friendly corrosion protection solutions that are bio-degradable, self replenishing and provide multi-metal protection.
• Economical
• Safe to use
• Very effective against scale formation
PACKAGING AND STORAGE: This product is packaged in 5 gallon pails. S-14 is also available in 55 gallon drums.