Cortec VpCI®-372 | Peelable Coating | 5 Gal
VpCI®-372 is a modified water-base acrylic, corrosion inhibiting strippable coating. It provides protection in two ways: atmospheric corrosion and as a physical barrier to protect against nicks, abrasion, scratches, etc. VpCI®-372 is used as a dry film, temporary coating for parts and equipment. The coating is stripped or peeled away prior to equipment use, and will not leave a residue.
Cortec is a world leader in rust and corrosion removal and protection. Cortec VpCI® products offer cost-effective and environmentally friendly corrosion protection solutions that are bio-degradable, self replenishing and provide multi-metal protection.
SHELF LIFE: 1 year
PACKAGING AND STORAGE: This product is packaged in 5 gallon (19 liter) plastic pails. VpCI®-372 is also available in 55 gallon (208 liter) metal drums, totes and bulk. VpCI®-372 should be stored in a heated warehouse to avoid freezing.
UNITED STATES SHIPPING CLASSIFICATION: Does not recover from freezing. IMPORTANT: Lead time may be substantially increased during winter months due to freezing temperatures. Items MUST be shipped via Heated Truck.
PLEASE NOTE: Typically, this "Made to Order" product has an approximate lead time of 3 weeks after receipt of order (with the above noted exception).
VpCI®-372 should be stored in a heated warehouse to avoid freezing.